Necessity is the mother of all inventions.

When I got admission in 2019, and rented my self-con room, it was my mom and brother that first went to Ede(my school) to check out the room and made payment. 

When I resumed school in Jan 2020, I realized that the toilet seat in the room was low. 

Therefore, if I mange to sit on it, I was unable to stand up from it by myself. 

I only used it like that once. 

I was in dilemma as to how am I going to cope. I was staying with a grown up kidsis and she can help me up from there. 

But imagine I have to hold my piss and the rest until she's around, every time, that thought was scary😂😂. I had to start doing critical thinking of a solution. 

Soon enough, my creative instinct kicked in. I had a plastic chair that I do use to bath and in marriage, isn't 1 + 1 = 1??🤣. 

And that's what I did. I made a hole in my plastic chair and placed it on the toilet seat. Now my toilet seat and bathing seat are ONE. 

Then I wouldn't need help when I want to use the toilet.😁😁 

 When my FAM saw it, they were like how did you even think of this?? 

And that is one of my many abilities. Ability to think fast and come up with solution to my challenges. 

As a person living with disability, there are so many barriers that wants to make life difficult for us and to take away our happiness but we are warriors. We don't give in. 

I Shona, I don't have time to sit around brooding over disability, I'm too busy thinking of ways to live my life as easier as possible and staying happy. 

Disability is not inability. 

 #Shona #Yoursinhappiness #Creativefullmode

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